Friday, November 16, 2007

Happy Birthday EGA

During the Autumn of 2006 - a small group of glass artists got together via the internet and formed (what is now called) Etsy Glass Artists or EGA.

Etsy is a website where all items sold are not only hand-made by the artist but each store is managed by the artist as well.

Check out etsy: here

EGA is a juried group of artists who use glass as their medium of choice.

In order to become a member of the EGA - guidelines must be followed and current members must vote the prospective members into the group. Acceptance is based on positive feedback from numerous customers, quality of work and dedication to the cause.

Our goal is to promote the art of glass and encourage one another to be inspired and successful.

In the first few days there was Willowglass, liskidder, vickileigh and aekeith making up the first few members of this talented bunch of women.

Over the past year we have had many, many women and men join our street team and, unfortunately, a few did not make the cut.

EGA recently celebrated the first birthday.

Just like all one-year-olds we can now walk independently.

Very soon - we'll be ready to run.

Do yourself a favor and check out the EGA blog. here.

1 comment:

Amy said...

YAY EGA!!!! great write up vicki! :)